Wednesday, August 27, 2008


So. I've decided to check the other side of the fence and see how the grass grows for the folks with a business mind. While I am not new to the idea of business - I am new to the thinking process and I'm hoping to find a good balance between what I've learned from the public administration side with the business side.

I'm thinking this MBA program - while challenging and intense will be just what I need to have the confidence to make One George a reality. I keep stalling - waiting for something magical to happen and I know nothing will happen unless I take the chance. Yet, what I do want is to make sure I have success and knowing what I know about nonprofit organizations is they need to run a bit more like businesses. Let's face it folks - nonprofits are big business.

I know it has been some time. I know it seems I'm spinning in circles. I know it seems this is going no where...but mark my words - One George will be an honest campaign...someday.

See you next time.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Is it really the end?

I'm done. I walked out of my capstone class tonight at 8:50pm and never gave it a thought. I'm actually done at Grand Valley State University. I earned 42 credits in a long 5 years. I only now feel a slight bit anxious....what now? Can I really dedicate myself to a cause? Can I afford not to be employed?

My only hope is I can do something amazing....make this campaign sprout wings and that I have time to really develop a plan of action I believe I can....

Right now - I just want to "be." I just want to absorb the fact I'm truly and actually 100 percent a master of public administration.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

This I know...

This I know...
Nothing is certain.
Hard work pays off.
Have a plan and see it through.
Take chances.
Live each day as if it is your last.

What on earth does any of this mean to a blog dedicated to a campaign called One George?! Well. While I feel as if I'm spinning my wheels in mud and not getting anywhere. I thought I had a plan, but I was ready to jump before I checked all the gear. So, now I've taken a step back from the edge and going through, making connections, preparing the plan, making sure all is right before I jump. Once I leap, I have to have faith, that I've prepared well enough, that I've created a plan that will work, and that I take the chance and give it a go.

Living each day as if it is your last is something I've learned from the articles I've been reading and the paper I've been working on. Each day, amazing things are happening and we hardly take time to notice. We don't smile at people on the street or take the time to reconnect with friends or loved ones. We are driven to get "things" done. So what if I don't plan a decent meal and the kids have to eat cereal for dinner? So what if my blinds have so much dust on them you can't see the original color? I can only believe when I die - my spirit will live in those I've touched or inspired. I hope to inspire those who do. I hope I can demonstrate the value of giving to my children. I only hope I can make a positive difference in at least one individual's life. My hope is One George will be something people will come to understand and know as not another "fundraising tactic"...but something that transcends giving....that one simple change can lead to many.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Nonprofits - who benefits?

I'm working on a paper for my capstone class...and while I say working, I'm pretty much stalled. I think I've done everything else I can think of except for focus on what I really need to. Yet, while I think about my paper I crawl inside my brain and take a look around. Some days I wonder what is going on in there - others, I simply amaze myself!

I'm writing about non-profit organizations and how they exist on two fronts - first, to serve individuals. We have come to know in this day and age, people need help - individuals that are homebound need individuals to come in a check on them, for individuals of all ages we may attend a weekly church service to fill our spiritual needs. Sometimes we need non-profits to make sure we are healthy and on a track to doesn't matter who you are, a nonprofit has touched your life at one point or another. So, we have non-profits that exists to serve others.

Then, we have people that seek out non-profits so they can aid in working toward the goal or purpose of the mission of the organization. The organization is operating on two fronts, a place to give and a place to receive.

Who benefits more? Is it the person that volunteers their time and energy or is it the person needing the goods and services provided?

I only ask because I'm at a fortunate point in my life where I have the ability to volunteer my time and talents. I have the opportunity to give back to my community and I am almost feeling a void in my heart because I want to much to help our returning veterans that I continue to seek out an organization that I can implement One George! I want to help, I really do and I have such a "need" it is almost debilitating! How is this different than the returning veteran that needs an organization he or she can trust to fulfill their need? Who needs the nonprofit more?

It is merely a question and one I think is important to consider when we start investigating the role non-profit organizations play in our every day lives. I head back to work on my paper - continue to think how you can give back to those that give so much and let me know what you find. Until then.....

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My heart sank today...

Ok. This is for the guys that are working so hard for the Coalition to Salute Americas Heroes. I love you guys. I love everything you've done and worked hard to achieve. I love your dedication to the cause and your efforts to make life so much better for those returning from OIF/OEF. I love the fact you are from Iowa! But I'm really struggling now with the testimony I read online from Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA) whose Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has held hearings on the issue of accountability.

In previous posts I've praised the Coalition for their 96% of funds going to direct support/programming for the veterans. It is remarkable this organization can achieve so much with very little fund raising and administrative costs. But is this a "true fact?"

I spent hours reading through the testimony and while it seemed much of the issue was with Chapin's paid position with Help Hospitalized Veterans (HHV) and his excessive salary, bonuses and perks, and not with the Coalition (as he is not compensated for his role as President) he still made a loan to the organization (of which there is still debts being paid and no, it was not an interest free loan). There was an issue of "sports score cards" as a gift in kind and wristbands that were purchased from one org by another. It is troubling because his hand is still in the pot.

Now. We do know that the CSAH has done great and wonderful things for our returning veterans. We know they are filling a gap and reaching all branches of the military. They are serving each other and the guys on the front lines are doing a great job. It happens to be the fat cats calling the shots that seemed to have ruined it for me!

Just as this war is being fought on multiple fronts, we have a nonprofit operating on two different levels. The guys sitting on the beach getting paid thousands upon thousands for 40 hours of work and the guys on the front lines, trying to put food in the mouths of their babies, working their fingers to the bones, trying to control the bad press for a fraction of the price.

I had so wanted to launch my One George Campaign. I so wanted to partner with CSAH. Yet, I have many things to consider and now that the seed of doubt has been planted, I really cannot in good conscience put myself out there.

For those that want to read the testimony and formulate your own opinion, I'd highly recommend it. I'll put it as a link in the sidebar. I'm not suggesting CSAH is unethical in any way, shape or form, I am giving the benefit of the doubt and saying it was a simple "mistake" - I'll still be a fan - as I will always be a fan of anyone that volunteers to serve this country and pay the ultimate price. But I'm sorry I won't be out there "hawking" for funds...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Test

Well, tomorrow my son is going to present the One George Campaign at his school. He is a member of the student council and they make all the decisions about which fundraisers they want to support. The funny thing about my son's school....most of the fundraisers they do are not for the benefit of their school or their classmates. They are focused so much on community it is wonderful. That means tonight I'll be drafting up a little "ditty" so he has all the information to present.

I have had the wind taken from my sails however, I decided to try and run a campaign through the causes page on Facebook - I've sent notification to everyone in my "friends" group and you know what....not one response. Kinda threw me for a loop, how should I proceed when the ones I thought would be the most ambitious to respond don't. Made me begin to think I should do something different. Yet, this time, I'm not going to back down - I'm going to keep trying as I know I should.

The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes stands for something more than just another organization - it is an organization that cares enough, understands enough, values enough to know that a little extra love, compassion and attention go a long way in the healing process.

So, I'll keep you updated on the campaign news - together we can...we can make a difference.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Assessing Veterans Charities

OK. So I'm beginning to work on a re-write of my research methods paper and I've hit a wall. Plugging along thinking I know exactly where I'm going and what I'm going to change and I start re-reading what I wrote two years ago. The most difficult part of changing this paper is the fact I'm really partial to the idea of the research and if I had any gumption at all....I'd secure a grant and just conduct the research....for fun!

So, if I can get beyond the fact I'm not trying to write a research paper I've decided to write a paper based upon the theory of human relations and needs. All of this fits so well with the purpose of nonprofits! I was curious to find out the number of registered nonprofit organizations by type of organization. There are 43,935 registered organizations with the NTEE category W30 (public & Societal Benefit is the W and 30 is for military, veterans orgs). WHAT?! Over 43,000 organizations having something to do with the military or veterans! Why on earth so many? (And to think I'd even contemplated becoming my own nonprofit)

Then I find a testimony of Bennett M. Weiner, COO of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and was mortified to find out nearly half of teh national veterans charities contacted by the Alliance do not provide any of the requested information and materials to complete evaluations. It is high time veterans organizations step up to the plate and demonstrate their accountability! Just when our wounded warriors need the most help, we now have to worry that our contributions are being squandered! (Wonder out of the 43,000 how many of them are preying on the emotions of those wanting to give back to our military members and their families with no intention of giving at all).

Before I contacted The Coalition to Salute America's Heroes I decided to check out their Form 990. I also went to the BBB Wise Giving Alliance and checked out their standards. While I was not able to determine from the Coalition's website board policies and the like, I was able to determine the ways they spend their money and they do a fine job of making sure what they raise, actually gets spent in the way it was meant to.

It is a shame we have to worry about what happens to our hard earned dollar when we donate to charity. Take the time to investigate before you donate, it is well worth your while.